Jean Paul Wils
Reflections of a Philosophers mind
About Jean Paul
You have landed at the Philosophers Stone. A site with all the resources of diverse philosophical and spiritual thinkers, collected bij Jean Paul Wils.
Jean Paul was and is one of the inspirators in bringing the investigation about the mysterie of life to the workfloor, where daily life is taking place. He has written numerous works about his sources of inspiration that we happily share.
This life meanders through a landscape of philosophical investigations and art. As a director of a managementtraining company, I got to spend my working life studying human nature, both at work and in the private way of living. The exploration of different cultures and the values they hold, have enriched my view. I was grateful for all the work I could do with a new generation, that is hungry for real deep life experiences. They simply know the world is rapidly changing into something completely new.
It is in transition. We only know that everything will be very different within twenty years or so. The question 'what is real?' will get a new meaning: in philosophy, in theology, in psychology, in science, in entertainment, in everything.
As a Nestor I joyfully shared some philosophical 'treasures' of my spiritual friends from the past cycle and some contemporary ones, that I have met. I dedicate those treasures to the next generation and hope they may inspire them to jump to the next level of 'reality'. The name of this website: 'Philosopher's Stone' will be explained. As a symbol it hints at 'transmutation'. The next generations will get transmuted. It is happening right now at great speed.
Philosophies that can’t be shared with children lose lots of their value and being a grandfather I write for my grandchildren as well. They help me, not to be too abstract. Philosophy at its best can bring you that ladder, about which Wittgenstein spoke, to - as Krishnamurti explained so well and audacious - to the land without paths, the land of truth.
There will be different sections in this website: Favourite Philosophers ('my spiritual friends'), Artwork, Poems, Stories and Scripts, Favourite Jokes. It will be partly in Dutch, partly in English. Enjoy.
Jean Paul about Jean Paul
Work Experience
1952 - today
Artist, oil, acryl & digital & writer
1971 - today
Owner of Sodalis Trainingen & Coaching
2001 - 2017
Philisophical action Inspirator of Amsterdams+ Education
Translator of Um al Khitab
12 april 2019
Transformatie naar het vormeloze. Jean Paul geeft na zijn soloreis, in groot enthousiasme aan, zich in een grote transformatie te bevinden naar een 'nieuw mens die geen deling tussen de 'ík' en de 'hij' meer kent. Onbewust lijkt hij te weten dat, hoewel zijn lichaam hier geen directe aanleiding toe geeft, een grote verandering op komst is. Leven bekrachtigt dit een aantal dagen later door onverwacht - doch vermoedelijk in grote rust en overgave gezien de glimlach die zijn gezicht tekent - zijn lichamelijke vorm los te laten.
Dit deel van onze gezamenlijke reis voltrekt zich voor hem in het Land zonder Paden. De reisgenoten van Jean Paul reizen met zijn schatkist verder. Wij publiceren op regelmatige basis het vele werk dat Jean Paul door de jaren heen geschreven heeft. Wij zijn beschikbaar voor een ieder die via hem wil leren en voor ieder die inspiratie zoekt op het scheidsvlak tussen individualiteit (als deel van het geheel) en undividabiliteit (ondeelbaar, de natuurlijke staat van Eenheid en Heelheid).
This part of our joint journey takes place for him in the land without paths. Jean Paul's traveling companions travel on with his treasure chest. We regularly publish the many works that Jean Paul has written over the years. We are available to anyone who wants to learn through him and to anyone who seeks inspiration on the interface between individuality (as part of the whole) and undividability (indivisible, the natural state of Unity and Wholeness).
Ever since I was a boy my hands are drawn to create. My early years were colored by big bright paintings. They reflected my search to the mystical human being. Later they became more abstract, explotions of the Universe. Maybe that was the answer to my early questions. Some paintings are for sale, if you are interested, feel free to contact me.
The 'me' Jean Paul refers to above, is now reflected in his wife and children. We will publish most of his work on this site, some of his work (partly digital) will be for sale. Most will be shown just to touch all those beings that connect with him and/or his work.